Want to unplug from the daily hustle and...

Redesign Your Life for the better?

Great! Download the FREE 'Superwoman Unplugged' eBook and discover the 5 Simple steps to live your best life... by doing less!

Superwoman Unplugged





In this eBook you will discover the secrets to...

  • Let go of the life you ‘should’ be living, get your sparkle back after life has knocked you around a bit and rewrite your story so you can be your own hero.
  • Nurture and nourish your body, mind and soul and reconnect with your inner wisdom.
  • Realign to your purpose and how to make a positive difference in the world without draining all your energy.
  • Seek out conscious relationships that support your growth and how to love yourself, and others, in a healthy, satisfying and fulfilling way.
  • Open up to receiving the gifts of the Universe, learn how to manifest your dreams and desires and how to pay it forward to others.

This eBook is for you, if you...

  • Feel as if life hasn't worked out as you expected it would! Or even if it has... it feels stressful, empty, or you feel unfulfilled.
  • Have forgotten what you are passionate about, or feel like you have lost yourself, or are tired of living the life you ‘should’ be living.
  • Are feeling stuck, trapped, overwhelmed or burned out.
  • Don't quite fit into the 'box' and wish to live your life with more freedom, purpose and on your own terms.
  • Are wishing to redesign certain areas in your life but don't know where to start.
  • Are wanting support from an expert and someone who has 'been there'.

Meet your coach & mentor...

Sharni Quinn is a Life Transformation Coach, Wellness Consultant, International Yoga Teacher, Author and speaker who is passionate about inspiring high-achieving women to stress less, live more and redesign their lives for the better!

She believes every human is meant to shine and share their light… but without burning out, getting trapped or losing themselves in the process!

Having exiting the rat race and changing from corporate to entrepreneur, then later successfully selling her Wellness business, getting divorced and leaving her toxic marriage, moving countries to a calm tropical island, suffering from chronic fatigue after burning out and then making a full, healthy recovery... Sharni has undoubtedly gone through many experiences of Life Transformation.

After living a busy and hectic existence for almost two decades, her body shut down. At this pivotal point, she knew she had to redesign her life and radically transform how she worked and lived. 

Now, she lives between soul home in Bali and her heart home in Cape Town. After reaching rock bottom and crawling her way back into the light, she has learned (the hard way) how to enjoy life rather than rush through it! 

Besides a few messy bits (she is only human, after all), her life is genuinely filled with joy, balance and freedom... and she is passionate about inspiring other women to unplug and live the same.

To find out more about Sharni - click here.

What are you waiting for?

Get the FREE 'Superwoman Unplugged' eBook NOW and discover how you can disconnect to reconnect! Fill in your details and the eBook will be sent straight to your inbox.

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